I started Blues photography as a youngster in fall 1970 when the late great Muddy Waters and Johnny Littlejohn visited my home town Helsinki, Finland. Thereafter, I have always focused on African-American Blues artists in my photography. My Blues photo archive boasts thousands of frames of hundreds of Blues artists, mostly in black & white format. This photo archive is unique in Finland, presumably of high appraisal even internationally. All major Blues and Jazz festivals in Finland have hosted my photo exhibitions and, moreover, there have been nearly 10 photo exhibits abroad: USA, Spain, Norway, France, Denmark, and Belgium. All these are listed below.
I have been the principal photographer of the Finnish Blues News magazine throughout its history from 1970s onwards and also contributed to several international Blues journals like the Blues Music Magazine (USA), Il Blues (Italy) and Jefferson (Sweden).
My love for the Blues is not only in photography. I’ve been a dedicated record collector all my life and today boast a collection of some 12 000 Blues albums (almost entirely by African-American artists). It’s probably one of the largest collections of black Blues music in Finland.
My Blues photographer career culminated in 2015 by the recognition of the Blues Foundation’s prestigious Keeping The Blues Alive (KBA) Award.
I’m presently the Vice-President of the European Blues Union.
Pertti Ñurmi Blues Photography Exhibitions, 2003 – 2018
1. Helsinki Cultural Office, Malmitalo Gallery, March – May 2003
2. Pori Jazz Festival, Bourbon Street Jazz Center, July 2003
3. Rauma Blues Festival, July 2003
4. Jämsänkoski JamSession Festival, August 2003
5. Lahti Blues & Roots Festival, September 2003
6. Jyväskylä Blues Live! Festival, October 2003
7. Imatra Big Band Festival, July 2005
8. Järvenpää Lakeside Blues Festival, June 2007
9. Helsinki, Blues News 40th Anniversary Event, September 2008
10. Ikkala Sulatto Festival, July 2010
11. Parainen West Blues Fest, September 2010
12. Helsinki Culture Centre Caisa, “Bluesin sielunmaisemaa” (joint exhibition), April 2015
13. Helsinki Music House, “Bluesin sielunmaisemaa” (joint exhibition), April 2016
14. Kisko Kivimakasiini, June 2016
15. Puistoblues 40th Anniversary Festival, June 2017
16. Helsinki, Malmitalo Gallery, March – April 2018
Barcelona, Tecla Sala Library, 1st EBU European Blues Expo (slideshow), Sep – Oct 2013
Notodden Blues Festival, June – August 2014
Brussels, Halles St Géry, 3rd EBU European Blues Expo, March – April 2015
Frederikshavn City Library & Frederikshavn Blues Festival, August – November 2015
Cahors International Blues Festival, July 2018